Why I wrote a Book about Humility


Some of my closest friends look at me sort of strange when I tell them I have written a book about humility. The next thing they say with a hint of disdain is “What do you know about humility?”

That is a fair question. I explain that I didn’t write a book because I know so much about humility or because I am so humble, but because the benefits of humility are so huge and the discipline of humility can be learned.

This book “The Power of Humility” looks at the attitudes and characteristics of truly humble people and will motivate you to conscientiously choose these traits that will cause others to respond to you in a more gracious way. Characteristics like respectful, kind, hospitable, generous, forgiving, dependable and committed are all attractive traits of people who choose to practice the discipline of humility.

You will learn that the truly humble are not weak or doormats, but that they are masters at dealing with people.  They are masters at relationships of all kinds.

The best benefit of all is how these attitudes and character traits of humble people lead to the best and most satisfying relationships.  People with good and satisfying relationships  are also the happiest people in the world.

I hope you will join me on this journey of discovery. The book will be out on October 21, 2013, but until then subscribe on this blog site and be a contributor to our ongoing discussion or send me an email with your thoughts or just to say hello.


  1. There’s power in the title, “The Power of Humility”. One does not think of humility as being powerful but it is very much so. Just as meekness is often thought of as weakness, but it takes a lot of strength to be meek, so it is with being humble. This book has opened my eyes to my own shortcomings in some areas, validated some of the thoughts I already had about humility and taught me some new facts about the subject. Clay Mize has struck at the very heart of what life is all about for me with the statement regarding embracing our current reality “because it is what it is”, a term I use often I’m really glad I read this book.

    • Dorothy,

      What a wonderfully affirming comment! So happy that you enjoyed the book and it was able to validate some of you own thinking. That makes the effort all worth it.

  2. I love the emotional connection so easily found while reading Clay’s book. He sends a powerful life-changing message in an easy read. I finished the book so quickly because I looked forward to another life experience from the view of humility. I am trying to affirm everyone I know just a little more since reading the book. Thank you Clay for opening my mind to the “greatness” of humility.

    • Thank you Shevelia for the review. So glad you liked it.

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